Saturday, October 10, 2009

She's a big girl now!

Yesterday was a milestone in the family. Miss Em turned 18. She's legal. She is a woman. As if she wasn't at 4 years old. She has always had the confidence of a 35 year old. Her wisdom exceeds her years. I can only imagine what God has in store for her. She is so diligent to follow the way the Lord has for her. He has made her strong with an amazing ability to lead.

Her personality. Looking through pics for her senior add reminded me that she was more serious than her friends. Not that she wasn't having fun, but her idea of fun was more on the "Ethel" side than the "Lucy" side. She was the one in control. I remember Andi and I watching as she an Ans were part of the "GO TRIBE" spirit team. One the "i", one the "b". We called them the Math spirit team. Very calculated moves and calculated cheers. (Notice we did not call them the Spelling spirit team. If they lined up wrong, well, "bi"...)

Her beauty. Her senior pictures are breathtaking. Dark hair. Dark eyes. And that beautiful skin. Then, there is the beauty that spills over from the inside. She is very loving and kind.

Her outlook on life. Em chooses to look for the good in the situation. She chooses to find happiness and to laugh. She chooses to go where happy people are. She chooses to lead instead of follow. She chooses to work hard at something instead of watching others.

So many wonderful blessings these past 18 years. Now, she is planning for college and excited about her future. Loving every minute with friends and family. She has come into her own. No more shadows. She has a name for her self. One of respect and admiration. Happy Birthday, Baby Girl. I love you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

To my best friends I say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! What in the world would my children do without you. Jenny, from the day our boys were in second grade your home has been a home-away-from-home for Randall. We always said we were sending him to Camp Smith. He experienced great wonders there. He learned that mountains and fences could be climbed with the leadership of a true friend. Nothing to fear but lots to laugh about. Randall and Levi figured it out as they went. Not always the best way but the most fun way. And Emily, found a forever friend in Lacey. Lacey taught her that bossing Cody was not only their duty but their God given right. Poor Cody. To this day Emily cherishes her time in your home.

Andi, you have done so much for my children. They love meals at your home and the fun you allow them to have. Riding horses or mules, playing pool, playing rook, and swimming. Emily and Ansley have giggled, laughed, and cried over everything from bodily functions to muddin' in the pasture, and the heartbreak that boys cause. Some of the best times ever were the "locusts" nights with rook games going on and Randall and Levi being challenged by Sam, Randy, and Keith.

We have a wonderful life. Our friends have seen to that. The time at St. George Island. Cody being part of the Yoo-Hoo Tribe. A deserted beach reserved just for us. More Rook. Jigsaw puzzles. Madeia - "Lock it down, Clink, Clink". Homemade Ice Cream on Sunday afternoons and the sound of the kids coming home after a movie. Ready to eat more, of anything.

So to you two ladies, have the best of days. Put your feet up. Let your hair down. Enjoy the day with your families. I love you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prom 2009

I love these pictures of Cody and Taylor!

Can't you just hear Cody saying, "I am the Man!"

Thursday, April 30, 2009


A bit more about the girls... Well, bees can be bought in a package which is a small box of bees and a queen that you "install" in a hive or you can buy a nuc. I got a nuc which is 4 frames of bees that are already established with their queen and laying eggs. You take the 4 frames and put them into a hive. They should be able to produce a decent amount of honey the first year. I was so nervous when I took them out of the temporary box and put them into the hive. The bad part is they are able to sense when you are nervous or upset and much more likely to sting. I wore a bonnet, cotton gloves, and jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt with Velcro straps on my jean legs. I was really pleasantly surprised at how non-aggressive they were. So far they are behaving like sweet-hearts.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busy as a bee...

Well, I'm officially in the bee business. I went to McDonough, Georgia yesterday evening after work and picked up my girls. I got home after 10:30 so I couldn't do anything with them until this afternoon. I left work a little early and came home and "installed" the little ladies in their new hive. I have to admit I was a bit nervous but I didn't ever feel like one was going to sting me. So now they are hard at work.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beautiful, beautiful, Emily

Deneta you have a daughter who is beautiful inside and out. Thank you so much for letting us rag-tag bunch of Selmans share your lives. We love you all bunches and bunches. Emily made us all proud tonight.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey! Yes it's me : )

Hey guys! Sorry to be such a slacker. I love your posts! It's so neat to get to catch up on you two! Andie I totally understand how you feel about knowing I am soooo blessed and still finding myself whining about someone or something. But to be honest I never hear you complain about your work! However, between the three of us, when we talk shop, good or bad, we are NOT whining! We are simply processing the emotions and stressors and possible solutions...yeh that's what we are doing.

I don't know about you guys but I love my ride home at night now that it is still daylight. Seeing the different shades of green showing on the mountains and the fields as they come back to life, the beautiful flowering trees and bushes, the clear blue sky after the spring all so indescribably gorgeous! His creation truely speaks of His greatness.

My niece and nephew from Ghana will be coming home soon!! I am so happy for them and my sister. She and I have always wanted to adopt and I am glad she is getting the chance to live that dream. I am sure the fact that our Mom-mom and Grandpa were both orphans, and our Grandma lost her Daddy when she was very young has put the desire in our hearts to help children who have no family. I can't imagine my children being all alone in the world and it breaks my heart that so many children will never know the love of a Mama's hug. Hugs are so easy to give.

I've decided to take my old position in surgery back. I'll be managing the pre/post op and GI lab. Dr. Becky Lowery is now the Administrator over all surgical services and she asked me to come back. I have alot of respect for her and know she will support me in making some of the changes that are needed. I won't be in the GI-call rotation this time, though, and that should make the hours more tolerable.

Cody drove to Marietta by himself last week! Then Jonah drove down Friday and spent the night too. I can not believe they are old enough to travel on 75 by themselves! Lacie was sweet to invite them, they had a blast. Cody stayed up till 3-4 every morning. He is sure college is going to be wonderful : ) Keith and I think he may be at GHC for quite a while...

Brittany graduates on May 9th!!! Yay!!! Levi is still loving working with his Daddy : ) Our grand-puppies are getting so big!! Levi has started teaching Jake some commands like sit and shake. He can fetch too!

Well that about catches us up, except for the story about Keith dropping his cell phone in the bottom of the oil pan of his cutter, yeh, it didn't dry out too well with all that oil. So he takes it to Verizon to get another phone and asks if they can download his numbers from the old one. They said to take it home and let it dry out really well and MAYBE if it could power back on they could download them. So, as he is driving down the road he has the idea to hold it out the window to help it dry out...You guessed it, he dropped it on Riverside Parkway. Levi said, "You can't make fun of me anymore for breaking my phone(s)." But I'm sure we will : )

Love you both!